Saturday, November 19, 2022

My message to MDCAT aspirants

 First of all congratulations to all of you for your good performance in the test, your hard work, struggle and consistency!

Especial congrats to those who are now able to avail admissions in their dream medical colleges.

My message to the students who are going to repeat this year:
It's okay to take rest for a while but don't fall in the trap thinking that you have plenty of time, and now that you can close your books for a month or two. Don't lose your consistency. I'm not saying to maintain your schedule as previous and study 10+ hours each day,
It's okay to reduce your study time.
What I would suggest you is that study just five hours daily but with consistency (if you are not going to college and have not got admission else where).

Otherwise if you have got admission elsewhere and have intention to prepare for the test alongside, then I would recommend to daily study just 3 hours but with a good focus, concentration and consistency.

If you were fresher this time and have scored 120+ then I am highly encouraging you not to lose hope at all and try again must!

We have created a Facebook group where InshAllah the content related to test would be shared in soft form and additionally proper guidance would be given to study exactly how it is required.

Till that I suggest you to reset your mind and have a new start. Start your revision from literally first chapter and first line of your book. Don't just go over the important points that you highlighted. Go through each and every line and try to understand that before jumping over the next line or topic. Don't skip any line under the shade of doubts. If anything confusing comes in your way Google it.
Don't worry about joining any academy at all if you have just the basic skills enough to understand what the book is saying to you, by just reading through it.

Lastly don't fall under the trap of FOMO*
* Fear of missing out admission in the academies

Stay tuned, Wish You all the best 💖

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