Monday, December 26, 2022

Is MBBS in Pakistan still worth it?


Does MBBS in Pakistan still worth it?

I'm a third year MBBS student from KPK Pakistan and to answer this question I'm going to provide you a little background detail:

First of all due to various reasons there is much competition in pretty much every field of study now a days in Pakistan. Doing simple Bachelor and Masters would give you a government job for a teaching position in PST or CT/SST in case you were above the average in your class and if you were among the top 0.1% then maybe you avail a Lectureship or some other CSS/PMS post.

Second option with you is having some technical education/ nursing/ Pharmacy degree and then going abroad if your family can afford this is also a Good option but luck would also matter in addition to your qualification.

Comparing both the above options with having an MBBS degree and being a doctor:

As a doctor you have two options: applying for a government job and/or having a private clinical practice

Now again if you were above average in your class then you can get a government job and in either case can do private practice which again would depend on your skills how upto what extent you make it.

So compared to doing a simple BS, MBBS has the plus point that you can practice privately and independently.

Thus I would suggest my youngers to choose this if you are willing to and can make your place in open merit

In case you couldn't make it in open merit then going for it in private medical colleges is not that much appreciable untill and unless you are very eager to and have the potential to be in the top few students of your class.

The reason I won't appreciate going for MBBS privately is that it not only would require a good financial status but also regular studies and hard work.

According to my observation if one gives the same hard work that is required from him in MBBS to any of the common subject's Bachelor and Master degree then he easily be in the top few people of that subject who could qualify for the Lecturership/CSS/PMS posts.

So if you have the potential to study regularly and work hard then you have much lesser competition in all the fields outside medicine.

Wish you best of luck 💖


Muhammad Luqman Khan

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